Meet the 2024-2025 Our Diamond Miss Queens!

Cambrie Jones

Where is Cambrie from? Beebe, Arkansas

What titles did you win at ODM Nationals this summer? National Overall Portfolio, National Tiny Miss Sweepstakes, National Tiny Miss Diamond Girl, and National Tiny Miss Talent Queen

What was your favorite moment at ODM Nationals? Doing my routines and playing with my friends.

Reece McKnight

Where are you from? Danville, Arkansas

What titles did you win at ODM Nationals this summer? National Tiny Miss Model (this was my 1st nationals to compete at!!)

What was your favorite moment at ODM Nationals? My favorite moment was when I won that money was stapled together. I did like the flowers, but they did not smell like real flowers.”

Ella Sims

Where are you from? Abilene, TX

What titles did you win at ODM Nationals this summer? National Petite Glamour Girl and National Petite Miss Talent Queen

What was your favorite moment at ODM Nationals? My favorite part of ODM Nationals was hanging out with my friends at the pool and backstage! I also will never forget the moment my name was called as the petite talent queen.

Finley Montgomery

Where are you from? Van Buren, Arkansas

What titles did you win at ODM Nationals this summer? National Petite Miss Model

What was your favorite moment at ODM Nationals? Getting to help back stage with all the Tiny Miss contestants during Diamond Girl! They are so cute and they always wanted to hold my hand. I really want a baby sister now.

Cora Lyon

Where are you from? Fort Smith, Arkansas

What titles did you win at ODM Nationals this summer? National Junior Miss Talent

What was your favorite moment at ODM Nationals? Getting to watch my friends and cheer them on!

Lennox Stover

Where are you from? Kansas

What titles did you win at ODM Nationals this summer? National Junior Miss Model

What was your favorite moment at ODM Nationals? Hanging out with friends and making new ones!

Breallyn Mims

Where are you from? Russellville, AR

What titles did you win at ODM Nationals this summer? National Young Miss Model & Talent

What was your favorite moment at ODM Nationals? I look forward to Nationals all year. It is my favorite week of the year! Double crowning was a moment I will cherish forever. However, my favorite moment was my mom crying during my talent and having other people come up to me after and they said they also cried during my talent. Which is crazy because my talent is a jazz acro routine. It makes me so happy to know my hard work really paid off!

Stephanie Raggio

Where are you from? Greenwood, AR

What titles did you win at ODM Nationals this summer? National Teen Miss Talent

What was your favorite moment at ODM Nationals? Bonding with friends back stage and hearing my name called for National Teen Miss Talent Queen!

Emaleigh Crisswell

Where are you from? Gardendale, TX

What titles did you win at ODM Nationals this summer? National Teen Miss Sweepstakes, National Teen Miss Diamond Girl, and National Teen Miss Model

What was your favorite moment at ODM Nationals? FINALLY winning Bingo – and I hit the jackpot!!

Avery Wooden

Where are you from? Guthrie, Oklahoma

What titles did you win at ODM Nationals this summer? National Elegant Miss Talent

What was your favorite moment at ODM Nationals? My favorite moment was spending time with the littles and making final memories with my best friend that has now aged out of ODM!

Whitley Connelly

Where are you from? Van Buren, Arkansas

What titles did you win at ODM Nationals this summer? National Elegant Miss Model

What was your favorite moment at ODM Nationals? Getting to spend the whole week with my amazing coaches, family, and friends.

Bella Flocks

Where are you from? Tulsa, Oklahoma

What titles did you win at ODM Nationals this summer? National Grand Talent

What was your favorite moment at ODM Nationals? My favorite memory is not just one moment from my nationals week, but getting to watch my community around me create memories and friendships. Before going on stage for talent, I was able to pray with my dear friend Sydnee and Joye. After I came off stage from my first talent and my back hurting all day, I fell to the floor from exhaustion and the overwhelming emotion of competing. When I opened my eyes, I was surrounded by some of my favorite people. Andrea Sanford making sure I was okay. Joye Miller telling me how well I did and all of my queen sisters just smiling. The next day when I made Top 5, I knew that was the last time I would compete in talet for ODM. I was bawling and taking in every moment. All I could think about was the community and friendships I have and how grateful I was for the last 10 years. I danced with my whole heart and passion knowing that my friends and parents of those girls were cheering me on. Watching other girls lift up the girls they were competing with and seeing how ODM is community and not just a competition is my favorite memory.

Kylinn Hodges-Foote

Where are you from? Danville, Arkansas

What titles did you win at ODM Nationals this summer? National Supreme Model

What was your favorite moment at ODM Nationals? My favorite moment of ODM Nationals is when I hollered at Cora on stage during crowning because she won talent! I gave her a big hug.

Ashlynn Brady

Where are you from? Liberal, KS

What titles did you win at ODM Nationals this summer? National Overall Sweepstakes, National Overall Diamong Girl, and National Supreme Our Diamond Miss

What was your favorite moment at ODM Nationals? My favorite moment of nationals was getting to recompete in Top 5 modeling and talet. I was able to leave my all on stage for the last time I competed.