Breallyn Mims

Current ODM National Titles:

National Young Miss Model

National Young Miss Talent

What has been your favorite thing to do as an ODM National Queen?

My favorite thing I have done this year so far is participating in the Yell Co Fair Parade on my birthday!!! I have been riding in this parade my entire life, and this is the 2nd time it has fallen on my birthday! The first time I was just a State Modeling Queen, so being a National Queen this time, made it even more special!

What do you most enjoy about being an ODM National Queen?

I LOVE helping at all of the prelims and state pageants. Being back stage and behind the scenes is thrilling and my absolute favorite thing!

What are you most looking forward to before you end your reign?

Talent Tuesday during nationals week! Everything about that entire day! Watching all of the talents, performing my guest talent and of course BINGO NIGHT! But I am also looking forward to the Queens party again! Some of my best friends are national queens this year and I know we will have SO much fun!

Stephanie Raggio

Current ODM National Titles:

National Teen Miss Talent

What has been your favorite thing to do as an ODM National Queen?

My favorite thing about this year has been spending time with my Queen Sisters!

What do you most enjoy about being an ODM National Queen?

What I enjoy most is the many friends I have made and feeling so supported by everyone!

What are you most looking forward to before you end your reign?

What I am looking forward to most before my reign ends is riding in the limo and having a fun night with Molly, Kenny, and the girls!

Emaleigh Criswell

Current ODM National Titles:

National Teen Miss Sweepstakes

National Teen Miss Diamond Girl

National Teen Miss Photogenic

National Teen Miss Model

What has been your favorite thing to do as an ODM National Queen?

One of my favorite opportunities as a National Queen is getting to go to Branson, Missouri and perform at the Clay Cooper Theatre. I also enjoy our yearly Braums photo to commemorate each year at Nationals.

What do you most enjoy about being an ODM National Queen?

As a National Queen, I really enjoy meeting new girls and encouraging them to be their best. I want to be the role model that others can look up to, just as I did when I was younger.

What are you most looking forward to before you end your reign?

Being able to attend the state pageants and crown the new royalty is what I am looking forward to as my reign comes to an end.