
Mom & Dad

Molly & Kenny Wilson

Molly is the daughter of the original founders, Ronnie & Melanie Kubiski. Molly and her husband, Kenny, are continuing the tradition of ODM. This is a family business that is passed down for the 40 year history of ODM pageants. They are excited to expand into new territories while keeping the same family atmosphere that has always been the mainstay of the Our Diamond Miss pageant system.

Contact Information:


Sally Currington is currently our Oklahoma State Director and has been apart of ODM for many many years. Sally knows all the ins and outs of ODM, do not be afraid to contact her with any questions about anything in Oklahoma.

Contact Information:


Lorrie Spears is one of our Oklahoma Regional Directors. She directs over the Southeast Corner of Oklahoma. South of I140 and East of I35. Lorrie has been apart of ODM for many many years and can answer about any questions you may have!

Contact Information:


Erin Parks is one of our newer directors to Oklahoma! She is also directing some preliminaries in the Southeast region. Please ask her any questions you may have!!

Contact Information:


Donna Evans is one of our other Oklahoma Regional Directors. She directs anything west of I35.

Please contact Donna if you have any questions for the West Oklahoma region!

Contact Information:


There are three directors for the state of Arkansas. Michele (main state director), Sadie, & Emily.

We are home to those who come around and have all been in and/or around pageants for 20+ years. If you have any questions about anything happening in Arkansas, please use the email below. It is monitored by all three directors.

Contact Information:

Behind the Scenes

Sadie Estep has been apart of Our Diamond Miss for 24 years.

For questions about ODM Arkansas, please reach out

NWA & Southern Missouri

Emily Hughes has been apart of Our Diamond Miss for 28 years. She is over the North West Arkansas & Southern Missouri. For questions about prelims in her areas or ODM as a whole, please reach out


North Kansas

Kansas is split between two region directors: Angela Horn & Michele Mallow.

If you so happen to live in Colorado or any northern states above Kansas, please reach out to Angela Horn.

North Kansas:

  • Angela Horn

Contact Information:

South Kansas

South Kansas

  • Michele Mallow

Contact Information:


Texas Panhandle

Meet the Calhouns!!

Mikayla & GayLynn are the Panhandle Regional Texas Directors.

Both of these great ladies are so sweet and are the most helpful people you will ever meet.

If you have any questions regarding ODM in the Texas or theĀ  Panhandle area, please ask one of these two people. You can find them in their facebook group titled Our Diamond Miss Pageants – TEXAS.

Contact Information:

West Texas

Meet Tonya Criswell!

Tonya is our West Texas Regional Director. Tonya has a daughter and has done ODM for quite a few years!

She can assist you with any questions you have regarding ODM in the West Texas region. To get into contact, please use the email below.

Contact Information:

Lamesa Area

Meet Elenor!!

Elenor Cantu (pictured on the right) is our Lamesa Regional director in Texas. Elenor has had her daughter (Andrea) compete for ODM and won a few national titles as well. Andrea is currently our National Grand Talent queen!

If you have any questions regarding ODM in the Texas Lamesa area, please ask Elenor with the email provided below.

Contact Information:

West Texas

Meet Andrea Sanford!

Andrea is our new West-Central Regional Director.

She is a mom of two with such a kind heart. She can assist you with any questions you have regarding ODM in the West-Central Texas region. To get into contact, please use the email below.

Contact Information:

National Staff

National Emcee

Meet Jordan!!

Jordan is currently our National Emcee for the Our Diamond Miss pageant system.

She has been apart of Our Diamond Miss for quite some time! She has won the National ODM Supreme title twice along with some other prestigious titles in ODM.

Front Table

Meet Brittany Zirkle!

Whether you want to or not, you run into Brittany at every state & national pageant as she sits at the front table! Better make sure that arm band is on & visible or you will have to put everything down before you can enter in the pageant venue.

Need a table? Find Brittany. Need an armband? Find Brittany. Need to know where dressing rooms, bathrooms, or reserved seating signs are? Find Brittany.

Molly's Right Hand Woman

Meet DeDe Prusa!

You will find DeDe at nationals right beside Molly. DeDe helps Molly with anything & everything and is always her right hand woman.

Backstage Hand

Meet Brighton!

Brighton is all things back stage. She talks the girls up before going on stage, makes sure all props are allocated for, dresses up the podium, and lastly, decorates the stage with the curtains and lights.

Line Leader

Meet Tara!

You will find Tara with all the little ones! You drop off your tinies & petities with Ms. Tara back stage in the hallway and she will keep them entertained. She will line them up, march them over, and keep them quiet while they wait for their turn to go on stage.

Sound Tech

Meet Sadie!

You will find Sadie back stage on talent day running microphones, pianos, stands, etc. You can also find her back at the sound booth with Mr. Kenny burning CDs, making playlists, running talents, etc!